Editorial Board
The editorial board comprises of a panel of experts from various disciplines of medical and allied sciences to provide their expertise and guidance in maintaining the clarity of content and focus of the purpose for the journal.

Late Lt. Col. (Dr.) T. S. Mathur (Rtd.)
Founder Chairman,
Saraswati Group of Institutions,
Lucknow, India

Dr. Rajat Mathur,
Saraswati Group of Institutions,
Lucknow, India
Email: presidentsdc@saraswaticolleges.com

Dr. K.N. Dubey
Principal, Professor,
Dept. of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Saraswati Dental College,
Lucknow, U.P., India
Email: kndubey@saraswaticollege.com

Professor & HOD,
Department of Periodontology,
Saraswati Dental College & Hospital,
Lucknow, India
Email: editor@ajohas.com

Adjunct Professor,
Department of Endodontics,
University of Dentistry,
Salerno, Italy
Email: iandoloalfredo@libero.it

Professor, Public Health Dentistry,
Peoples College of Dental Sciences and Research Centre,
Peoples University, Bhopal
Email: sahana20579@gmail.com

Dr. Shaili Pradhan, MDS,
Periodontology and Oral Implantology Unit,
Department of Dental Surgery,
National Academy of Medical Sciences,
Bir Hospital, Kathmandu, Nepal
Email: shaili_p@yahoo.com

Professor in Paedodontics,
Specialist in Restorative Dentistry
Division of Paedodontics,
Dept. of Community Dental Health Faculty of Dental Sciences,
University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
Email: emuck@dental.pdn.ac.lk

Dr. Shantanu Sahu, MS,
Professor, Department of General Surgery,
All India Institute of Medical Sciences,
Bhubneshwar, India
Email: lntshantanu@gmail.com

Dr. Lata Goyal, MDS
Assist. Professor,
All India Institute of Medical Sciences,
Bathinda (Pb), India
Email: latagoyal83@gmail.com

Dr. Sudhir Bhandari, MDS,
Additional Professor,
Oral Health Sciences Centre,
Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education& Research,
Chandigarh, India.
Email: docsudhirbhandari@gmail.com

Saraswati Dental College & Hospital,
Lucknow, India
Email: drsulemankhan5983@gmail.com
Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery

Dr. Padmanidhi Agarwal,
Assistant Professor,
Department. of Dentistry,
Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Institute of Medical Science,
Lucknow (U.P.), India

Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology,
Babu Banarasi Das College of Dental Sciences,
BBD University, Lucknow,
Uttar Pradesh, India
Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics

Faculty of Dental Sciences,
KGMU, Lucknow, India
Email: rhythm@kgmcindia.edu

Dr. Ajit Vikram Parihar, MDS, PhD,
Department of Orthodontics,
Faculty of Dental Sciences
Trauma Center Campus, Banaras Hindu University.
Varanasi -221005, Uttar Pradesh (India)
Email: drajitparihar@bhu.ac.in